Do 1 Thing…Shelter
The mission of is to move individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient.
THE GOAL: Know how to respond safely when instructions are given to evacuate or take shelter.
Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month):
*Identify the best tornado shelter in your home and workplace.
*Make a Go Bag for emergency sheltering.
*Talk to your child’s school regarding their sheltering procedures.
*Have a leash or carrier to evacuate or contain your pet in an emergency.
Shelter from the Storm
Choosing the best place in your home or workplace to shelter from a tornado isn’t always easy. Many newer buildings don’t have a really good shelter area. Use these guidelines to find the best tornado shelter possible:
• Stay away from windows and skylights
• Shelter on the lowest level possible.
• Put as many walls between yourself and the outside as possible.
• Avoid rooms with large ceiling expanses
• Find an area that is large enough for everyone to stay comfortably for at least 45 minutes.
If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, cover windows with plywood or hurricane shutters when a hurricane warning is issued (don’t use tape). If you are advised to evacuate, do so. If you are not advised to evacuate, stay inside and away from windows until the storm has completely passed.
Shelter in Place
In an emergency like a hazardous materials release you may be told to shelter-in-place. This means to make the place where you are a safe place to stay until the danger has passed. Shelter-in-place orders are given when it would be dangerous for you to leave your home or the building you are in.
In a hazardous materials incident, outdoor warning sirens may be sounded to alert residents in the area that it is not safe to remain outside. Emergency responders may go door to door in the affected area, or they may use loudspeakers from police or fire vehicles to give instructions. Information will also be given over television or radio using the Emergency Alert System and can also be received on a NOAA all-hazards weather radio.
What to do in a hazardous materials incident
The first thing to do when a chemical release or other hazardous materials incident occurs is to get information. If responders are not in the area giving instructions, turn on the television or radio to find out if your area is affected and what steps to take. Never call 911 to get information about an emergency. Only call 911 if you are injured or need assistance.
If you are in an area affected by the chemical release, you will be told to do one of two things: Evacuate or Shelter in Place. Listen carefully to instructions. If you are told to shelter in place you should close all doors and windows and shut off fans and air conditioners. Take your family to a room with as few doors and windows as possible. You may be told to put towels or tape around the cracks of the windows and doors. Follow emergency instructions carefully. Make sure you take a battery powered radio with you so that you will know when the danger has passed. Power in your area may be shut off during the incident.
Infectious Disease Outbreaks
During an infectious disease outbreak, people may be isolated or quarantined to prevent the spread of disease. The purpose of quarantine is to keep people who may have been exposed to a disease separate until it is known if they will get sick. Isolation means keeping people who are sick away from others. You may be isolated or quarantined in your home or in a hospital. Contact your local health department to find out about disease response plans in your community.
Emergency Evacuation Shelter
Emergency evacuation shelters will be opened when people are evacuated from their homes. In most areas emergency shelters are operated by the American Red Cross. At the Red Cross Shelter:
• Most Red Cross shelters are opened in school gyms or churches.
• You will be given a cot to sleep on, but you may need to provide your own pillow or blanket.
• Bring ID if possible, and know your social security number. You may need to apply to FEMA for disaster assistance funding while still at the shelter.
• The Red Cross will not give any information about you to anyone without your permission.
• Meals and bottled water will be provided.
• Public officials will provide information about the disaster to the shelter.
• Assistance will be available to provide basic first-aid care.
• Weapons and alcohol are not allowed in Red Cross shelters.
• There is never any charge for emergency sheltering.
• Pets are not allowed at Red Cross shelters, but animal service providers may open pet shelters if homes are evacuated. Service animals are allowed in shelters.
Contact your local animal control office or humane society to find out about pet emergency shelter plans in your community.
Being prepared doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. By doing one thing a month, you can make sure that you and the people who depend on you will be better prepared for whatever happens.
For more information:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
February Water
Do 1 Thing…Water
The mission of is to move individuals, families, businesses and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient.
THE GOAL: Have enough water stored for your family to last 3 days (72 hours). This should be about 3 gallons per person.
Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month):
*Purchase and store a 72 hour supply of commercially bottled water (or more - up to two weeks)
*Purchase a generator if your water comes from a private well (or make sure that your current generator is set up to power the well)
*Bottle a 72 hour supply of water at home (as described below)
Whether you get water from a municipal water system or your home has a private well, your water supply depends on having power to operate the system. During a power outage you may find yourself without drinkable water.
You may also need emergency drinking water if your water supply becomes contaminated. Both private wells and municipal water systems can be vulnerable to contamination in a disaster.
Water Needs
Pets & Water
Type Pet’s Weight Water per day
Dog 10 lbs 14 oz
60 lbs 50 oz
100 lbs 75 oz
Cat 5.5 lbs 6 oz
10 lbs 9 oz
• Pets on certain medication may need more water
• Pets eating canned/wet food may need less water
• Pets may need 2-3 x more water during hot weather
During an emergency, drink at least two quarts
of water a day, 3-4 quarts a day if you are in a hot climate, pregnant, sick, or a child.
If supplies run low, never ration water. Drink the amount you need today and look for more tomorrow.
Bottling Water at Home
If you get your water from a private well, disinfect your tap water as described on page two before bottling. If you get your water from a municipal water system, there is no need to disinfect tap water before bottling.
Sanitize bottles before filling:
1) Wash containers with dishwashing soap and rinse with water
(2) Sanitize by swishing a solution of 1 teaspoon of liquid household chlorine bleach to a quart of water on all interior surfaces of the container.
(3) Let air dry for at least one minute.
Use clear plastic bottles with tight sealing caps. Milk jugs don’t make good water storage containers, they don’t seal well, and water stored in them can sometimes develop a plastic taste. Only use bottles that originally had beverages in them (large plastic soft drink bottles work well).
Replace your water supply every six months if you bottle your own water. Always sanitize bottles before refilling them. If you purchase commercially bottled water, it should be replaced once a year. Store your water in a cool, dark place.
Emergency Sources of Drinking Water During Water System Failure
Water Heater
Do not use if the tank or fixtures have been submerged in flood water!
1.Turn off the gas or electricity to water heater (turn off electricity at the fuse or breaker box, turn off gas by locating the valve supplying the hot water heater and turning the valve handle so that it crosses - is not lined up with - the gas line)
2.Turn off the water intake valve (should be located near the water heater)
3.Open the drain at the bottom of the tank
4.Turn on a hot water faucet (water will drain from the tank, not the faucet)
Discard the first few gallons if they contain rust or sediment. Do not turn the gas or electricity back on until the tank is refilled.
1.Turn off main water valve where the water comes into the house (usually near the water meter if you have city water).
2.Let air into the pipes by turning on the highest faucet in your house.
3.Get water from the lowest faucet in your house (never get water from faucets that have been submerged in flood water)
This is also the way to drain pipes if you are advised to do so (usually to avoid pipes breaking in freezing temperatures). Locate utility shutoffs before a disaster occurs. Teach other family members where they are and how (and when) to shut off utilities. Mark shutoffs with brightly colored tape.
If you have freezer space, consider freezing part of your water supply. This has the added advantage of keeping food in the freezer cold longer during a power outage.
Water Contamination
In some cases, the water distribution system may be functioning, but the water itself may be not be safe to drink.
Using bottled water is preferable, but if it is not available tap water can be disinfected by boiling vigorously for one minute. If you cannot boil water:
1. Add six drops of bleach per gallon of water
2. Stir well
3. Let stand for 30 minutes before use
Water filters may not remove all contaminants. Take additional steps to disinfect filtered water. You can also use water purification tablets, available at most pharmacies. Always follow emergency instructions from health officials.
Being prepared doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. By doing one thing a month, you can make sure that you and the people who depend on you will be better prepared for whatever happens.
For more information:
The mission of is to move individuals, families, businesses and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient.
THE GOAL: Have enough water stored for your family to last 3 days (72 hours). This should be about 3 gallons per person.
Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month):
*Purchase and store a 72 hour supply of commercially bottled water (or more - up to two weeks)
*Purchase a generator if your water comes from a private well (or make sure that your current generator is set up to power the well)
*Bottle a 72 hour supply of water at home (as described below)
Whether you get water from a municipal water system or your home has a private well, your water supply depends on having power to operate the system. During a power outage you may find yourself without drinkable water.
You may also need emergency drinking water if your water supply becomes contaminated. Both private wells and municipal water systems can be vulnerable to contamination in a disaster.
Water Needs
Pets & Water
Type Pet’s Weight Water per day
Dog 10 lbs 14 oz
60 lbs 50 oz
100 lbs 75 oz
Cat 5.5 lbs 6 oz
10 lbs 9 oz
• Pets on certain medication may need more water
• Pets eating canned/wet food may need less water
• Pets may need 2-3 x more water during hot weather
During an emergency, drink at least two quarts
of water a day, 3-4 quarts a day if you are in a hot climate, pregnant, sick, or a child.
If supplies run low, never ration water. Drink the amount you need today and look for more tomorrow.
Bottling Water at Home
If you get your water from a private well, disinfect your tap water as described on page two before bottling. If you get your water from a municipal water system, there is no need to disinfect tap water before bottling.
Sanitize bottles before filling:
1) Wash containers with dishwashing soap and rinse with water
(2) Sanitize by swishing a solution of 1 teaspoon of liquid household chlorine bleach to a quart of water on all interior surfaces of the container.
(3) Let air dry for at least one minute.
Use clear plastic bottles with tight sealing caps. Milk jugs don’t make good water storage containers, they don’t seal well, and water stored in them can sometimes develop a plastic taste. Only use bottles that originally had beverages in them (large plastic soft drink bottles work well).
Replace your water supply every six months if you bottle your own water. Always sanitize bottles before refilling them. If you purchase commercially bottled water, it should be replaced once a year. Store your water in a cool, dark place.
Emergency Sources of Drinking Water During Water System Failure
Water Heater
Do not use if the tank or fixtures have been submerged in flood water!
1.Turn off the gas or electricity to water heater (turn off electricity at the fuse or breaker box, turn off gas by locating the valve supplying the hot water heater and turning the valve handle so that it crosses - is not lined up with - the gas line)
2.Turn off the water intake valve (should be located near the water heater)
3.Open the drain at the bottom of the tank
4.Turn on a hot water faucet (water will drain from the tank, not the faucet)
Discard the first few gallons if they contain rust or sediment. Do not turn the gas or electricity back on until the tank is refilled.
1.Turn off main water valve where the water comes into the house (usually near the water meter if you have city water).
2.Let air into the pipes by turning on the highest faucet in your house.
3.Get water from the lowest faucet in your house (never get water from faucets that have been submerged in flood water)
This is also the way to drain pipes if you are advised to do so (usually to avoid pipes breaking in freezing temperatures). Locate utility shutoffs before a disaster occurs. Teach other family members where they are and how (and when) to shut off utilities. Mark shutoffs with brightly colored tape.
If you have freezer space, consider freezing part of your water supply. This has the added advantage of keeping food in the freezer cold longer during a power outage.
Water Contamination
In some cases, the water distribution system may be functioning, but the water itself may be not be safe to drink.
Using bottled water is preferable, but if it is not available tap water can be disinfected by boiling vigorously for one minute. If you cannot boil water:
1. Add six drops of bleach per gallon of water
2. Stir well
3. Let stand for 30 minutes before use
Water filters may not remove all contaminants. Take additional steps to disinfect filtered water. You can also use water purification tablets, available at most pharmacies. Always follow emergency instructions from health officials.
Being prepared doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. By doing one thing a month, you can make sure that you and the people who depend on you will be better prepared for whatever happens.
For more information:
Monday, January 4, 2010
January- Assess Your Risk
Do 1 Thing…Assess Your Risk
The mission of is to move individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient.
THE GOAL: Understand what puts you at risk from disasters and take steps to lower your risk.
Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month):
0 Perform a family risk assessment.
0 Determine what your insurance needs are by consulting an insurance agent.
0 Buy flood insurance.
Assess Your Risk
Who you are, where you live, and how well you are able to understand and follow emergency instructions, are all things that make up your risk in a disaster. Take a moment to think about how your household would be affected by a disaster.
Which of the following might affect your families risk?
0 Children
0 Someone with a mental or physical disability
0 Someone who doesn’t speak English well
0 Someone without a car or drivers license
0 A home business
0 Kids at college
0 Seniors
0 Someone who needs medication regularly
0 Pets
0 Someone who uses home oxygen or medical equipment that needs electricity
0 A caregiver for someone outside the household, or an emergency responder
If you provide care for another person, in or out of your home, either as part of your job or in your personal life, you are a caregiver. Will that person be able to do without your help if you are not able to get to them for several days? How will you communicate with them? If your children stay home alone for part of the day, do they know what to do if an emergency occurs? What would they do if they were told to evacuate?
What can you do? Develop a plan to communicate with people who depend on you, and plan for what they would do if you couldn’t reach them. Include them in making the plan, as much as possible, and go over it with them to make sure they are familiar with it.
Physical challenges
Health, medication and durable medical equipment needs, along with physical limitations are all things to think about when preparing for disasters. How long will medicine or wheel chair batteries last? Can everyone in your home receive, understand, and act on emergency instructions given over radio or television? Public transportation may not be available in a disaster, and personal assistants and caregivers may not be able to get to you.
What can you do? Develop a personal support network of people who can check in with you when weather watches or warnings are issued, or emergency events occur in your community. Talk to service providers, including home health companies, pharmacists, doctors, and caregivers. Find out what they will be able to provide in (or before) a disaster, and what they will expect you to do for yourself.
Living Alone
Living alone has its own set of challenges in a disaster. When a disaster happens, who will know if you are missing or safe? People who live alone are more likely to be targeted by fraud or other crimes following a disaster.
What can you do? Make sure that you are plugged in somewhere, whether it is with family, friends or coworkers. Meet your neighbors or volunteer in the community. Have a whistle as part of your emergency kit, in case you are trapped in your home or apartment after a disaster.
Pet Owners
Would you be able to easily evacuate your pet if you had to leave your home? Where would you go? American Red Cross shelters do not allow pets (they do allow service animals) and hotels that take pets will fill up very quickly if many people have to evacuate. What if you are away from home when a disaster occurs and you are not allowed to go back? What if your pet is injured and you can’t get to a vet?
What can you do? Create a go kit for your pet. Take a pet first aid class. Make sure you have a carrier or leash in case you have to evacuate with your pet. Make a plan for a neighbor to help care for a pet if you can’t get home.
Disasters change things. ATM machines and gas pumps may not be working. Stores may be closed. Public transportation, phones and cell phones, and the internet may not be available for several days. Do you have what you need to take care of yourself for at least three days? If you work at home how will you protect or replace important business records or inventory? Do you have enough insurance for both business and personal property?
There are answers to all of these questions and understanding your risk can help you design an emergency plan that fits your household’s needs.
Bad things happen. They can happen anywhere and to anyone. Do you have enough insurance to get your life back to normal if it happens to you? Meet with your insurance agent to review your policies. If you rent, make sure you have renter’s insurance. Financial assistance may not be available from FEMA after a disaster. Even if you are given assistance from FEMA, it will probably not be enough to make things like they were before.
Whether you rent or own your home, it is up to you to protect your possessions. Having the right insurance before the disaster is the safest course back to normal after a disaster.
When shopping for insurance, talk to more than one agent to find out what’s best for you.
The mission of is to move individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient.
THE GOAL: Understand what puts you at risk from disasters and take steps to lower your risk.
Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month):
0 Perform a family risk assessment.
0 Determine what your insurance needs are by consulting an insurance agent.
0 Buy flood insurance.
Assess Your Risk
Who you are, where you live, and how well you are able to understand and follow emergency instructions, are all things that make up your risk in a disaster. Take a moment to think about how your household would be affected by a disaster.
Which of the following might affect your families risk?
0 Children
0 Someone with a mental or physical disability
0 Someone who doesn’t speak English well
0 Someone without a car or drivers license
0 A home business
0 Kids at college
0 Seniors
0 Someone who needs medication regularly
0 Pets
0 Someone who uses home oxygen or medical equipment that needs electricity
0 A caregiver for someone outside the household, or an emergency responder
If you provide care for another person, in or out of your home, either as part of your job or in your personal life, you are a caregiver. Will that person be able to do without your help if you are not able to get to them for several days? How will you communicate with them? If your children stay home alone for part of the day, do they know what to do if an emergency occurs? What would they do if they were told to evacuate?
What can you do? Develop a plan to communicate with people who depend on you, and plan for what they would do if you couldn’t reach them. Include them in making the plan, as much as possible, and go over it with them to make sure they are familiar with it.
Physical challenges
Health, medication and durable medical equipment needs, along with physical limitations are all things to think about when preparing for disasters. How long will medicine or wheel chair batteries last? Can everyone in your home receive, understand, and act on emergency instructions given over radio or television? Public transportation may not be available in a disaster, and personal assistants and caregivers may not be able to get to you.
What can you do? Develop a personal support network of people who can check in with you when weather watches or warnings are issued, or emergency events occur in your community. Talk to service providers, including home health companies, pharmacists, doctors, and caregivers. Find out what they will be able to provide in (or before) a disaster, and what they will expect you to do for yourself.
Living Alone
Living alone has its own set of challenges in a disaster. When a disaster happens, who will know if you are missing or safe? People who live alone are more likely to be targeted by fraud or other crimes following a disaster.
What can you do? Make sure that you are plugged in somewhere, whether it is with family, friends or coworkers. Meet your neighbors or volunteer in the community. Have a whistle as part of your emergency kit, in case you are trapped in your home or apartment after a disaster.
Pet Owners
Would you be able to easily evacuate your pet if you had to leave your home? Where would you go? American Red Cross shelters do not allow pets (they do allow service animals) and hotels that take pets will fill up very quickly if many people have to evacuate. What if you are away from home when a disaster occurs and you are not allowed to go back? What if your pet is injured and you can’t get to a vet?
What can you do? Create a go kit for your pet. Take a pet first aid class. Make sure you have a carrier or leash in case you have to evacuate with your pet. Make a plan for a neighbor to help care for a pet if you can’t get home.
Disasters change things. ATM machines and gas pumps may not be working. Stores may be closed. Public transportation, phones and cell phones, and the internet may not be available for several days. Do you have what you need to take care of yourself for at least three days? If you work at home how will you protect or replace important business records or inventory? Do you have enough insurance for both business and personal property?
There are answers to all of these questions and understanding your risk can help you design an emergency plan that fits your household’s needs.
Bad things happen. They can happen anywhere and to anyone. Do you have enough insurance to get your life back to normal if it happens to you? Meet with your insurance agent to review your policies. If you rent, make sure you have renter’s insurance. Financial assistance may not be available from FEMA after a disaster. Even if you are given assistance from FEMA, it will probably not be enough to make things like they were before.
Whether you rent or own your home, it is up to you to protect your possessions. Having the right insurance before the disaster is the safest course back to normal after a disaster.
When shopping for insurance, talk to more than one agent to find out what’s best for you.
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